Press review

Fabrizia Montefiori, intervento al 5G Italy 2021

On Key4biz – 5G Italy, Montefiori (Tiesse): “5G essential, but you need to get it into the business and you need the skills.”

“There is a great expectation for 5G because, based on studies that have been done in recent months, the demand is growing and leads to the possibility of investing more, of having a moment of development that can embrace the whole country”, but there is still much to do: the intervention of the President of Tiesse at 5G Italy in Rome.

On Key4biz – 5G Italy, Montefiori (Tiesse): “5G essential, but you need to get it into the business and you need the skills.” Leggi »

On Key4biz: Network Anomaly Detection, Francesco Lucrezia (TIESSE) ‘Know your data to avoid nasty surprises’

Network Anomaly Detection is the tool conceived and created by TIESSE to check customer network traffic and check if there are any anomalies. This is a machine-learning tool, conceived by the Ivrea-based company specializing in wireless network technologies, in particular

On Key4biz: Network Anomaly Detection, Francesco Lucrezia (TIESSE) ‘Know your data to avoid nasty surprises’ Leggi »

On Key4Biz: IoT in Italy, the market is worth 5 billion. Smart Metering and Smart Asset Management leading sectors

The Smart Metering and Smart Asset Management solutions for utilities are confirmed as the main IoT segment also for Tiesse, an Italian manufacturer that participated in the survey, fully in line with what was presented by the Internet of Things Observatory of the Polytechnic School of Management from Milan.

On Key4Biz: IoT in Italy, the market is worth 5 billion. Smart Metering and Smart Asset Management leading sectors Leggi »

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