TNA - Tiesse Network Architecture

Network management automation

Modular software suite for Zero Touch Provisioning

TNA suite

Tiesse devices (routers, gateways and switches) are integrated with TNA (Tiesse Network Architecture), a software suite that enables Zero Touch Provisioning, reducing installation and management costs.

With TNA, controlling the 360 network becomes “natural” both from an operational and monitoring point of view.

Thanks to a machine-learning algorithm, the monitoring system is able to set thresholds on the network data of interest to the customer, without any human intervention, defined according to the traffic trend in stable conditions, and notify the operator in case of anomalies, allowing timely intervention.

Key benefits

  • Modular
  • Zero Touch Provisioning
  • Includes monitoring, automatic configuration management, traffic engineering, overlay networks, NAD (Network Anomaly Detection)
  • Management of device configurations and software updates (timely or massive)
  • Real-time monitoring of network conditions and device status
  • Network anomaly detection: identification of possible problems and traffic congestions, in order to intervene promptly and massively on network nodes

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