• Gov. agencies
  • Entertainment
  • Insurance
  • Finance and banks
  • Manufacturing
Soluzioni che forniscono connessioni stabili e con alti standard di sicurezza, sia su rete fissa che mobile, per connettere la sede centrale con le sedi periferiche, ovunque esse si trovino.
The transformation and modernization process for many SMEs/SMBs requires connectivity solutions for LAN or Campus realities, where connectivity must be guaranteed with continuity to provide homogeneity of services in any branch of the country’s territorial location, as for Betting agencies and Government agencies.
In various supply chains of entertainment, insurance, banks and branches of factories and offices spread across the countries there is a challenge to have a common documentation system, a common platform for sharing, a common governance and to have real-time access to the archives from any branch.
The challenge of having poor connectivity in these listed environments is overcome with connettivity provided by router solutions with guarantee that the cellular radio channel is always active, the availability of management software to allow provisioning, monitoring and intelligent routing without intervention, and a Continuous and integrated backup.
Businesses require connectivity on both a fixed and mobile network with 4G and 5G providing a continuous connectivity service.
Like many companies with a widespread coverage, these companies need to securely connect all the branch offices in local countries – including the islands – to access a common documentation system, and have real-time access to all the relevant documentation.
The challenge of having poor connectivity is overcome with Tiesse routers to  guarantee that the cellular radio channel is always active, the availability of  the management software by Tiesse allows provisioning, monitoring and intelligent routing without intervention, with alternative solutions in the event of network anomalies.
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