• DSO (Distribution System Operatores)
  • System integrator
  • Smart metering
  • Large scale distribution
  • Franchising and Retail
Solutions that guarantee safety and quality of service for monitoring, remote management, remote control and remote reading, automatic payments, fault management and emergency situations.
There are countless challenges in the world of services, linked to the relevant sector and supply chain.

Many problems are common:

  • Monitoring and management of meter reading (energy, water, gas): for billing based on real consumption and to reduce manual readings of technicians at homes and companies
  • Telemetry and data communication as well as remote monitoring of all the functions and performance of coffee machines. The data collected are useful for consumption statistics and to verify the operation of the machines communicating for example faults. It is also possible to remotely control and set all the parameters of beverage delivery to ensure the highest quality over time.
  • Automatic payments for bills via online services
  • Signalling and management of faults, emergency situations, interruptions of service, such as breakages of water pipes, power interruptions, monitoring of gas leaks where stable connectivity allows to detect critical parameters/data in order to efficiently and effectively plan maintenance.
  • Energy efficiency and connectivity of buildings to reduce energy consumption
  • Management of scheduled maintenance to provide scheduled maintenance of services, thermal power plants, water monitoring and pollution values in the city reducing the risk of high energy consumption and impact on human health
  • Reporting and monitoring of gas leaks in industrial environments ensuring safety and improving prevention
The energy sector, in strong transformation, remotely manages the activation and transfer of electricity users (remote management) performs both remote reading (remote reading) of consumption recorded by meters and remote monitoring (remote control) through the network, equipment and routers installed in the primary and secondary energy cabins or through the central access servers in the control centres.
The system integrator industry must manage the complexity of non-heterogeneous systems that require in-depth knowledge of different platforms, regulatory compliance to manage data privacy and cybersecurity and ensure service quality.
For large-scale distribution of cooperatives and associations, which will work on a large national or international scale, the connectivity using wireless, satellite and stable networks allows the services and utilities to reach and serve non-heterogeneous places and processes, guaranteeing integrity and standardization of the service offer.Large-scale organised distribution (GDO) operating on a national or international scale needs stable, fast and secure network infrastructure (4G/5G, satellite) to serve non-heterogeneous locations and processes, ensuring the integrity and standardisation of the service offered.
The world of franchise and retails connectivity faces challenges of providing homogeneous solutions by harmonising procedures and processes, often with uneven results, that would compromise the brand and quality of service.
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